10 Tips To Keep Your Pet Calm on New Year’s Eve
During holidays like New Year’s Eve, it is important to keep in mind the safety and well being of your pet during loud parties, with noises from poppers, blowers, and fireworks that may startle them. Unfortunately, holidays that use fireworks as a celebration tend to rank highest for the number of lost pets who are startled by loud noise and run away. Here are some tips for keeping tour dog calm and safe.
- Do not bring your dog to a fireworks display
- Leave your pet inside and play soft music to help block the sounds of the fireworks
- Exercise your dog before the fireworks commence – tired dog is less anxious
- If you plan to stay inside with your pet, try to stay in a familiar environment
- Be sure all pets, including indoor cats, wear current ID tags
- Consider microchipping your pet if they are not already
- Stuff a Kong or other work-to-eat toy with special treats during the fireworks
- Do not punish your pet during times of stress as this can only make the problem worse
- Comfort your pet when they are fearful
- If it is absolutely necessary to be outside with dogs during firework displays, ensure each dog is secure on a leash or harness
If your pet is not microchipped, call us today to schedule an appointment! This quick and inexpensive process will give you peace of mind that if your pet is ever found, he/she can be returned safely to you.