National Vet Tech Week – Tatiana Sovyk
It’s #NationalVeterinaryTechnicanWeek! Our Veterinary Technician’s are a critical part of the day-to-day function of our practice. Because we value veterinary technicians every day of the year, we take this week to honor their commitment to compassionate, high-quality veterinary care for all animals. This week, we are highlighting our Veterinary Technicians at North Orange Animal Hospital.
Today we highlight Tatiana Sovyk. You click Tatiana’s name below to read more about her, and check out what Dr. Bucky & Lorrie Bearden had to say about Tatiana’s skills as a Veterinary Technician at North Orange Animal Hospital.
“Tatiana Sovyk is our newest addition and we are so excited that she has come on board! She brings an incredible amount of compassion and knowledge. In a very short period of time, it is obvious that she has the ability to not only learn the way things are done at NOAH, but to share great alternatives. Tatiana puts the care and comfort of each and every animal at the very top of her priorities. She moves with a quiet grace, yet with constant purpose. She is positive in every situation and doesn’t stop until all tasks she sets out to do are done. The future of NOAH just got even better – we are so thankful to welcome Tatiana.” – Dr. Bearden & Lorrie