National Vet Tech Week – Karen Greer
It’s #NationalVeterinaryTechnicanWeek! Our Veterinary Technician’s are a critical part of the day-to-day function of our practice. Because we value veterinary technicians every day of the year, we take this week to honor their commitment to compassionate, high-quality veterinary care for all animals. This week, we are highlighting our Veterinary Technicians at North Orange Animal Hospital.
Today we share our Certified Veterinary Technologist, Karen Greer. To learn more about Karen, click her name below. Check out what Dr. Bucky & Lorrie Bearden had to say about Karen’s connection to animals and impressive work ethic as a Veterinary Technician at North Orange Animal Hospital.
“Karen Greer brings an incredible amount of experience and humor to NOAH. We are so appreciative of her ability to look at each and every pet as an opportunity to truly change a life for the better. Her gentleness with animals is matched by her humor and ability to make most every situation tolerable. She has the gift of a very warm heart and sensitive soul, which she generously shares with each and every patient of our hospital. It is amazing to think that she works very long hours at the Emergency Clinic on the weekends, then gives 100% to our practice 3 to 3 1/2 days a week. How very fortunate the Central Florida Community is to have her to care for their animals; how fortunate we are to have as our client’s advocate and our friend!” – Dr. Bearden & Lorrie